
Hario Dome Hand Coffee Grinder


A French Press has long been my go to brew method for coffee, but I’ve always used pre-ground beans. I’ve wanted to try grinding fresh roasted beans at home for a couple years now, and yesterday I decided to order my first grinder. After researching a bit, I learned enough to know conical ceramic burr grinders were preferred over blade grinders or steel burr grinders because they result in more consistent sized grinds and manage heat during the grinding process. Hario is a brand I’m familiar with from ducking into the occasional proper coffee cafe, and I wanted a grinder that I could hand crank. Since my press has wood accents, I opted for a grinder to compliment it. The Hario Dome Hand Grinder fit the bill and has been a pleasure to use this week. The hopper is simple enough to load a small batch of beans in, and the mechanical nature of the burr grinder size adjustment is simple and reliable. The Hario Dome can store 35 grams of ground coffee and travels very well! And it makes a delicious cup of coffee!